What was it like being Marilyn Monroe? It was very rewarding and challenging at the same time it part of the reason I write for film and TV this life time. I studied as a serious actress and the Hollywood style in some films had directors who liked over the top bomb shell without consideration for her talents many of them in the films wanted over indicating style to the camera on the sly which I actually hated. Struggling to do good comedies and interesting roles that would fulfill me as an actress in those times was a frustration because some of the directors were not really in tune with me other than dollars for the bombshell in the movie like a product. I read great literature and all the classics studied dance, acting singing, photography and was interested in production so I enjoyed all facets of the movie making process and was adored revered by thousands of people wherever I went. I was actually relieved that they liked me even though things were sometimes not as great as they could have been in those films which are mostly light hearted fare to this day that many still enjoy. I sound similar singing in this life time though I hit high notes more easily and no longer hit off keys and I acted for film and TV again before turning to writing. I hate Marilyn Impersonators too many of them out there it is such cheese that does not have the soul of the original sin even worse gay burlesque as her I hate it all.
My home I adored coming back to at the end of the day sometimes with shopping bags, screen plays, calls with invites to parties and Unice. Unice looked like I felt when I was really tired or depressed only she cooked I did not cook much in that life time. Unice was odd she was like a helpful spy who was often depressed as well. I was in a rush usually to go to the studios and things were cluttered and she was not great at house keeping it was odd really she would skulk through the house and I felt like she knew things about me personal things I did not tell her.
I remember the bars on the window of the house I made a joke about that I lived in some exotic location where it was like being a government official that needed high security protection. A good joke was the only way I could deal with it for it seemed ridiculous to have bars on the windows. I had fabulous cars the most fun cars to drive and a good wardrobe of dresses and shoes, furs. The only thing I hated about that life was the costume jeweler. I had had my fill as Alexandra so the costume jeweler that I had in Marilyn's time was a rest from that life dripping with crown jewels however Alex wore very little around the castle and Marilyn well I was not a huge jewel freak although I liked nice things. My favorite was being naked in Chanel Number 5 after a nice bath and going to bed. Still my favorite today. That hang up of wearing gowns to bed and waking up near strangled in them asphyxiated is why. No matter how luxurious same thing happens it’s those thin straps and slippery fabric made to tie up an unwilling shopper in bed like some strange S and M ritual. Garters were all the rage and we had to wear those all day and men had to think they were sexy we did not have anything else; beige or black sensible big undies and garters. The straps would dig into your leg all day then you had to fix the hose I was very proud of early mind management actually caring how smooth it all was under my costumes. My hair well it was interesting if I did not rag pin curl it which I gave up once in Hollywood it was a mile high in the morning and super puffy. I needed a hair dresser to do anything with it. Naturally curly. I thought it was straight when I was a kid because we had to rag it all the time and pin curl it or ringlet it this puffy frizzy mess.
In my teens I dyed it ash brown resulting in some photo shots of dish rag brown. I was still discovered and featured in professionally shot modelling for magazines however. Finally I was a stylish brunette. It took a while to get it the right shade of blond; the strongest bleach to take out all the strawberry for the desired platinum look that was finally achieved in 1960's when my hair finally gave in till then it was California blond at best.
I was good at dedication to the craft would show up on set late only if fighting a cold or a bad relationship and the tabloids blew it out of proportion for you had to sit in make up any way first and wardrobe so most days I was on time. Fabulous costumes we had they could make anyone look like a total princess. I had such a good time meeting all the other starlets and show girls we laughed and sat together and the boys would make jokes between takes the on set time was the most joyous time of my life with fellow actors. I wish we had reels of outtakes when we were tired and punchy everyone has great out takes of botched scenes they howl about.
Parties we had many from small gatherings of important people in modern apartments playing the record player having drinks and talking till the wee hours then taking a cab home or falling asleep on the sofa some of the guys did. I won't mention names well except Jerry Lewis was known for that; curling up drunk like a child on the sofa and passing out. All the guys were great Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis Jr. Tony Curtis, and others we ran into we'd leave parties laughing almost till we peed walking down the street still telling jokes at late hours and finally getting home crawling into bed sometimes in our clothing and waking up hung over. I ruined a few dresses that way champagne spilled on them usually was not too terrible I avoided red wine for that reason only drank things that were not a disaster on clothing.
Unice had a similar habit of sleeping in she would also wake up with her hair everywhere like Frankenstein’s bride and prepare breakfast in silence then she'd have coffee and read for a bit and putter around getting my laundry and would do some housekeeping. I would read at the pool side and loved the garden I had with profuse plants and flowers. I enjoyed some gardening and had care for the property come by to clean the pool and tend to the plants and lawns. To have that house after living in foster care each year in high school a new home a new school was very strange. All the homes were old bungalows or two storeys with poorer barely middle class people taking in this quiet shy girl who smiled a lot when happy kept to herself did very well at school and married at seven teen to get out of foster care.
I must have had a premonition at the airplane factory because I felt fame creeping upon me and I was discovered by more than one photographer till finally I auditioned for my first film roles. I remember the pancake makeup used to cover my freckles was so thick with powder my face would feel like I was melting at the end of the day under the heat and I went home and scrubbed it all off cursing my freckles which would come out after about five minutes of sunlight. I burned easily had the worst skin for the sun yet loved the beach and ocean was very happy there visiting Malibu beach. I was the pin up girl of the era with many many photos of swim suit frolic that people to this day still can purchase and Play Boy magazine featured me in my first nude pose laying on red fabric then in later issues the blond bomb shell was featured. That life was odd for I had over one hundred classic books listened to classical music and studied serious acting however the blond stigma of the time was of this, 'well we're not interested in all that it's about the va va voom.'
Some people were threatened if you were too intelligent and wanted to run things to have more creative say the director would say, 'now you just sit there and look sexy Marilyn and I'll take care of this scene.' I grew bored with the director of this type met other ones who were more serious about quality film making of dramatic or higher budget musicals where there was more time for the artistic craft of the actor to come through. It's dicey riding the pin up fame and serious acting to keep working and getting good roles superior dancers like Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire were a great inspiration to me and the musicals I was given had more sex appeal to add in that gave the dances I did and songs a different flavor of sultry, desirable goddess.
Marilyn though American was interested in foreign places and loved to read books on history and travel and I was not able to visit all the places I dreamed of. I met Queen Elizabeth and starred in the Prince and the Showgirl which was an irony for that is what the reincarnation was; I was a show girl and wielded the public singing before ten thousand troops in America I also visited Japan on a peaceful trip. The war was odd I totally blocked it out during work as if it did not exist and looked at the sides of others who had different views on politics however loved the American dream of movie making, freedom and free enterprise something Lincoln built in his time with the fight for racial peace and the end of slavery. I had friends of different races and did not like any bigotry and loved children.
What was it like to move to Canada at age six after having spoken Swedish for one year in kindergarten when I lived there with my parents and studying polish first grade home study with my mother and not knowing any English for first grade? Well Marilyn took over I have black outs of grade one with suddenly fluent English emerging very quickly so that entity consciousness of that past life saved me,
anesthetized my brain and shoved its archive of English into my cortexes quickly so I would not fail the year. It's called stubbornness.
Someone asked me a very good question: What if people think Marilyn Monroe was stupid blond and are disinterested in the life of her? Well my answer is this: As Marilyn Monroe I was a very brave lady who put out into the movies the humor about what I call the little I reality of the cortex based human who makes excuses for its limitations in belief and acceptance of what it allows or does not allow in its life. I played a baby; 'pooh pooh phee dooh! Tada!' It's the baby like blond playing dumb to the hilt in some of my comedies and even to the public if overwhelmed with crowds especially and caught on film. It's a highly recommended study to those who did not get this about me and were stupid judging that life to see in themselves where they do the same thing to a lesser degree in their lives somewhere. My movies are an excellent example of how people map their cortexes for acceptable behavior especially. I mean what would people think right? What would people think if I did this or that??? Most have had that thought cross their minds. That is the innocent silly ingenue's message to people and if I was really stupid I would not have had the courage to hang out with Sinatra the Kennedy's or other intellectuals people of prominence I had very in depth engaging conversations with. It was an act to defend the self from demands of others and for the camera in comedy. My archive is of delightful films that cause laughter and a few poignant dramas in that life.
I had a recurring vision since my twenties in this life time about being in a drab room in lain drab clothing sitting wondering about the mind like psychology and thinking how important it was to understand how the mind worked. I wore a green sweater and a beige skirt was nearly flat chested and skinny. I realized later this was flash backs to the very young Marilyn Monroe life time. For the longest time I did not associate this with Marilyn due to the excessive drabness of decor and clothing she had in foster care. Did not know who it was fully aware. That means I was interested in the mind at a very young age as a budding teen; I wanted to solve the mind. My only karma this life time was to do that because of the murder especially it sealed the deal with myself. To understand how people loose perspective when we turn on ourselves or feel hurt or angry, or depressed; what causes that what you can do about it.
In this life something was driving me to get out of Canada at age sixteen to move to California it stayed with me for two years then finally abated the coast called me and I realized later it was to go to be involved in the the film Industry again which is ironic as a huge number of my soul group is LA actors. I was drawn to the beach all my life and to the US and there are several reasons for this one is Malibu beach was Marilyn Monroe's favorite which is why when I visited White Rock in my twenties I was drawn to live there one day because it has the long walk way like Malibu beach it was to remember my life my whole life and also the murder which I saw precognitive and obsessively during my last photo shoot on the beach in an old, white Indian sweater. Canada is colder than California it took me my whole life to get acclimatized to it I missed the balmy weather the warm nights you could walk on the beach. I remembered after my ascension that life wrote a film about it that is with my collection I wrote the role for myself to play the only film of the lot. I will not sell that film to anyone without the contract including me as the lead Marilyn Monroe. People have said my whole life, 'you look like someone I can't place it not sure who it is your smile oh well it will come to me later.' Someone must have know this for I found a house in my perusing real estate with interesting symbols a baker in the kitchen, a first nations eight pointed star with swords all around it like Inanna's my earlier incarnation and an eagle covered by an initiation masque; that is a star of ascension for the eagle is representative of the ascended masters the masque covering it is the initiation I passed. Le Petite Cafe my teachings a symbol I used from private sessions I used to do in BME was also there yes in White Rock on the beach. That place is a hop and skip to LA it's close to fly so that is likely where I will end up living. Had I made it to LA likely all the films would be produced by now and I would have married in my soul group. I'm late however have over 27 films written in full for the LA market now that are there waiting to happen.
I looked at the house of Marilyn Monroe after the murder and here is what I saw psychicly: The murder did not take place in the bedroom I saw blood spray and violence in the room with the black framed square glass windows and white walls and in the area of the sofa with a painting behind it. I was grabbed beaten and dragged smashed with glass in the face and then put on the bed where blood oozed on the white sheets. There was dragging, screaming, fighting huge bruises on the shoulders. Nothing in the kitchen not much in the front room with books in the bedroom and nothing outside in the garden out front where the pool was. In this life Jack Kennedy gave me the creeps not Bobby and in his interviews after the murder he looks like he is blank eyed out a bit put two and two together. The face of that body looks like the early shots of young Marilyn focusing against adversity in foster care; a child within shielding myself from adversity.
I learned something in the Marilyn Mornoe life about life is a movie I learned this ironically while smoking and reading films scripts for when I smoked I would move inward and for a split second see the faster space time of the higher consciousness in me and I realized life all around us was like a movie like a tape rolling out all around us. So one day I had a photo shoot and I was smoking and did a camera eye wink that is the observer capturing the whole scene with the photographer and was he in my reality or was I in his? That was what I was saying in this shot: you have your camera on me I have my camera eye and lens of god on you I was aware of this. Life has comical moments when we play act the obvious reading someone else to make a point
however it's an interruption in the stream of the observer focusing on his or her reality to play act the
obvious if they in the reality have subversive tendencies and your challenge veers your life off course. It is important to focus on the truth within and not compromise with entertaining others agendas or challenging them if they are powerful people who take your life. Playing sympathy for that reason is not something I do in this life time for that reason even as a farce. So the camera eye sees the park the flash that becomes the negative tape rolling out that is our intellectual divine property by laws that is carried by our DNA.
Before the brain invasion:
Marilyn Monroe's mother before brain invasion:
Marilyn Monroe's mother after brain invasion brain looks bigger usually in ageing it is smaller:
Much of society has been though brain invasion of some sort and even changes in their faces in extreme cases so how does one remember the past life without having anxiety attacks in the next life putting half the population in suspecting itself of psychiatric disturbances? They'd have to say: I was part of genetic invasion and in some cases experimentation on Earth so any odd images would be dismissed past understanding it is all it was. Like I have peace understanding there were attempts on my life to end it when I had the affair with the Kenney's and fought with them by ET's. I was put on ageing in that life time by ET's plain and simple because of the conflict with the Kennedy's.
Something odd I did not realize Newton Windsor Shopping Center, Surrey BC was built to look like Havana. I used to shop there when I lived at an earlier address. My dream of going home on the beach very early at sunrise after visiting someone back to the hotel I found the Hotel in Cuba the brat pack stayed in Veradero; an older hotel same as in the dream I had any years ago when I was still married.
In the Marilyn Monroe life I understood something of human mechanism of the game from my acting work parodying it in comedy.
Two things will I see you again? I reincarnated I'm here talking to you. I and I have the starlight's date blog that took this entity life and others from reincarnation and shared them with you with other important things only those who read the whole blog are privy to. Will I see you again? How is time in the illusory world spinning? I am here today. Sea objects are still some of my favorite things in this life time I love the sea side the best of the earth's nature offerings as much as flowers and trees.
Great illumination took place in this life time and I have much to share with people who have found this page enter here.